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What is love?
Sunday, October 25, 2009

i'm losing my head, im losing my head.
my life is different now, my eyes have been replaced, i don't see things the same way.
thats a bad thing... right?
but how do i get the courage to leave him... for something so unattainable?
so unattainable, it's insane. but now i only see perfection in someone else. and all i crave is that perfection in my imperfect life. to get the best love i'll ever get. instead of simply settling...
perhaps he'll see this one day. and how will i rid my guilt? of feelings for someone so ridiculously far away, and the loss of love for someone who loves me, and who wants me?
but i feel he doesn't want me bad enough. i've tried, many times. but it's still the same.
don't i love him?
or was it just me... loving the feeling of love?
perhaps its so. that explains the lack of attraction, how i'm never turned on, how i'm always wandering...
but im not worthy. i need to do something to make myself better.. but procrastination gets the better of me.
i want him.. but i'll never get him.
not in this lifetime... even though he embodies all that i want in a man..

/Top please || 5:52 AM


Hi there. I'm xxx, in the age of xx. and i have the love for xxx. i would appreciate much if you tag and link. i do not entertain spams :) feel hatred of this page? click here to leave. don't get what i mean? or type Alt + F4 to get out.

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